Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons

23/24 Volunteer Handbook

Deeside Dragons Volunteer Handbook

Table of Contents


Overview of Volunteer Positions

Code of Conduct

Volunteer Training Programs

Communication Channels

***Emergency Contact & Sign off ***


About The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons

The Deeside Dragons Ice Hockey Club, based in Deeside, North Wales, competes in the English Ice Hockey Association National Ice Hockey League Division One North. Our club is a non-profit organization run entirely by dedicated volunteers.

Mission Statement

At The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons, our mission is not just about playing ice hockey; it’s about creating a lasting impact on our community through the sport we love. Our mission statement embodies our commitment to both the sport of ice hockey and the well-being of our community:

“Our mission is to promote ice hockey as a sport and provide a positive and inclusive environment for our community. We aspire to be more than just a hockey club; we aim to be a cornerstone of our community, fostering a sense of belonging and pride through the sport we are passionate about.”

Core Values

Our core values define who we are as a club and guide our actions, decisions, and interactions. We believe in these values wholeheartedly:


Teamwork is at the heart of everything we do. We understand that in ice hockey, as in life, success is achieved through collaboration. Whether it’s on the ice, in the locker room, or within the broader community, we work together to achieve our goals. We recognize that every member, volunteer, player, and fan play a crucial role in our collective success.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a fundamental part of our identity. We are deeply committed to giving back to the community that supports us. We actively engage with our community through outreach programs, charity events, and initiatives that promote the well-being of our neighbors. Our goal is to be a positive force in the lives of those we serve.


We believe in creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued. This inclusivity extends not only to our players and volunteers but also to our fans. We are dedicated to breaking down barriers and ensuring that hockey is a sport for all, regardless of age, gender, race, or background. We celebrate diversity as a source of strength and enrichment for our club and community.

Inclusivity for Volunteers & Fans

We are proud to promote an inclusive environment not only for our players but for our dedicated volunteers and passionate fans as well. We recognize that without the unwavering support of our volunteers and the energy of our fans, our club would not be where it is today.

For Volunteers:

We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds and experiences, valuing the unique skills and perspectives they bring to our organization.

We provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, ensuring that volunteering with us is a rewarding experience.

Our club operates on a foundation of mutual respect, where every volunteer is a vital part of our extended family.

For Fans:

We strive to create a fan experience that is inclusive and enjoyable for all. Hockey should be a source of joy and camaraderie for everyone who joins us in cheering for the Dragons.

We actively engage with fans to foster a sense of community, hosting events, and initiatives that bring our supporters closer to the heart of the club.

Discrimination and exclusion have no place in our fan base. We are committed to ensuring that our games and events are safe and welcoming for everyone.

In summary, our mission is not just about the game; it’s about promoting unity, sportsmanship, and inclusivity in everything we do. We are proud to have a club that not only excels on the ice but also makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our players, volunteers, fans, and the broader community.

Importance of Volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Without your dedication and support, we would not be able to achieve our goals. This handbook is designed to help you understand your role as a volunteer and provide guidance on how to contribute effectively to our club.

Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

Overview of Volunteer Positions

Our club offers various volunteer positions, including but not limited to:

Team Coaches

Team Managers

Game Officials

Event Organizers


Equipment Managers

Concession Stand Volunteers

Detailed descriptions of each volunteer role, along with specific responsibilities, will be provided to you upon acceptance of your position.

Expectations for Volunteers:

Dependability and Punctuality:

Demonstrate reliability by arriving on time for assigned duties and commitments. Ensure your fellow volunteers and the club can count on you to fulfill your responsibilities consistently.

Adherence to Club Policies:

Comply with all club policies, procedures, and guidelines relevant to your volunteer role.Be aware of and adhere to our code of conduct, setting a positive example for others.

Respect and Inclusivity:

Treat all members, players, fans, and fellow volunteers with unwavering respect, regardless of background or position. Foster an inclusive and welcoming environment where diversity is celebrated.

Participation in Training and Meetings:

Attend all mandatory training sessions and meetings, as they are essential for your role’s effectiveness and for staying informed about club developments.Be an active participant, engaging in discussions and sharing your insights and experiences.

Effective Communication:

Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully with fellow volunteers, club leadership, and stakeholders.Collaborate and share information effectively to ensure smooth operations and decision-making.

Safety First:

Prioritize safety at all times, whether you’re involved in game day operations, events, or other activities.Report safety concerns promptly and assist in maintaining a secure environment for all.

By upholding these expectations, you contribute not only to the success of The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons but also to the positive and inclusive environment we strive to create within our club and community. Your dedication and commitment make a significant difference in our shared journey.

Club Policies and Procedures

Code of Conduct At The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons, we are committed to maintaining a positive and inclusive environment for our volunteers, players, fans, and the broader community. To achieve this, we uphold a strict Code of Conduct that sets the highest standards of behavior, ethics, sportsmanship, and communication. All volunteers associated with our club are expected to adhere to the following principles:
  1. Respect and Sportsmanship:
Treat all individuals, regardless of background, with respect, dignity, and fairness. Display exemplary sportsmanship both on and off the ice, showing grace in victory and resilience in defeat. Avoid any form of discrimination, harassment, or offensive behavior based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, or any other characteristic.
  1. Integrity and Ethical Behavior:
Act with honesty and integrity in all your interactions, upholding the club’s reputation and values. Avoid any behavior that may compromise the trust and credibility of the club or its stakeholders.        3.Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Adhere to all club policies, procedures, and guidelines relevant to your volunteer role. Report any violations or concerns to the appropriate club officials.
  1. Confidentiality:
Respect the privacy and confidentiality of all club members, players, and volunteers. Do not disclose sensitive or privileged information without proper authorization.
  1. Safety and Well-being:
Prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved with the club, including players, fans, and fellow volunteers. Comply with safety guidelines and protocols established by the club.
  1. Inclusivity and Diversity:
Promote inclusivity, diversity, and equity within the club. Embrace the differences and unique perspectives of individuals within our community.
  1. Communication:
Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully with fellow volunteers, club leadership, players, and fans. Resolve conflicts or disputes professionally and constructively, seeking resolution through appropriate channels. We ensure effective communication through the following channels: Direct Contact: The primary channel for information, issues, and grievances will be through The Club GM (Shaun Bebbington) and/or Mikey Rowe. They are the club’s designated official points of contact.
  1. Compliance:
Comply with all laws and regulations governing our activities as a club, including those related to ice hockey and community engagement. Support the club’s commitment to fair play and adherence to league rules and guidelines.
  1. Volunteer Unity:
Collaborate and work cohesively with fellow volunteers, recognizing the value of teamwork in achieving our goals.
  1. Continuous Improvement:
– Strive for personal growth and development, consistently seeking opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge. By embracing and adhering to this Code of Conduct, we collectively uphold the values of The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons Ice Hockey Club and contribute to the creation of a positive, respectful, and inclusive environment for all. Your commitment to these principles is essential to the success and reputation of our club.

Volunteer Training Programs:

At The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons Ice Hockey Club, we are dedicated to ensuring that our volunteers are well-prepared and equipped for their roles.

English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA) Training: Key roles will have access to training opportunities provided by the EIHA, with all associated costs covered by the club. This ensures that you are up-to-date with the latest industry standards and best practices.

Regular Training Sessions: We provide ongoing training sessions to help you excel in your role. These sessions are designed to address specific needs and challenges volunteers may encounter.

Continuous Learning Opportunities:

We believe that learning is an ongoing process. To support your continuous growth and development: Workshops and Seminars: We host periodic workshops and seminars on a range of topics relevant to ice hockey, volunteering, and community engagement. These opportunities allow you to expand your knowledge and skills.

Feedback and Evaluation:

We value your contributions and seek to improve continually. To facilitate open communication and growth:

Regular Evaluations: You will have the opportunity to participate in regular performance evaluations. These evaluations provide insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, helping you excel in your role.

Feedback Sessions: We encourage a culture of open feedback. You can provide feedback and suggestions, and we will use this information to enhance our volunteer program and address any concerns you may have.


Effective communication is crucial for our success. We maintain communication through:

Various Channels: We use multiple communication channels, including email, social media, in-person meetings, and our official website, to keep you informed about club updates, events, and important announcements.

Direct Contact: For specific inquiries or concerns, you can always reach out to The Club GM (Shaun Bebbington) and/or Mikey Rowe, who serve as our official points of contact for information, issues, and grievances.

We are committed to providing you with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to excel as a volunteer with The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons Ice Hockey Club. Your dedication and continued learning contribute to the success of our club and the enhancement of the fan experience.

 Volunteer Benefits:

We value the contributions of our volunteers, and as a token of our appreciation, we offer the following benefits:

Complimentary Game Day Tickets: Volunteers have the opportunity to enjoy our exciting games with complimentary tickets, allowing you to be part of the action.

Official Dragons Volunteer Apparel: Volunteers will receive exclusive official club volunteer apparel, enabling you to proudly represent the team and your commitment.

Exclusive Events: As a volunteer, you will gain access to special events and gatherings designed to celebrate our dedicated volunteer community. These events provide opportunities to connect with fellow volunteers, players, and club leadership.

  1. Volunteer Recognition Program:


Exceptional volunteers who consistently demonstrate dedication, go above and beyond in their roles, and make significant contributions to our club will be recognized and celebrated through our Volunteer Recognition Program. This program aims to:

Acknowledge Outstanding Contributions: We will formally acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements of our volunteers who exemplify the club’s values and mission.

Awards and Honors: Outstanding volunteers may receive awards, certificates, or special acknowledgments to highlight their commitment and contributions.

 Recognition Events: Periodic recognition events will be organized to celebrate and honour exceptional volunteers. These events provide an opportunity to share success stories and inspire others.

Gratitude: Our Volunteer Recognition Program is a way for us to express our gratitude and celebrate the incredible impact volunteers have on our club and community.

We believe that volunteers are the lifeblood of The Aspray Chester Deeside Dragons Ice Hockey Club, and we are committed to recognizing and celebrating your dedication and hard work. Your efforts not only contribute to the success of the club but also enhance the overall fan experience and sense of community.


How can I become a volunteer with the club?

To become a volunteer, you can contact the club via

  1. What types of volunteer roles are available?

We offer a variety of roles, including game day stewards, merchandise stall volunteers, and social media volunteers, among others.

  1. Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer?

While age requirements may vary for different roles, some roles may have a minimum age requirement for safety reasons.

  1. What is the time commitment for volunteering?

Time commitments can vary based on the role. Some roles may require attendance at games, while others may be more flexible.

  1. Will I receive training for my volunteer role?

Yes, we provide training and support to help you excel in your role.

  1. Are there any benefits for volunteers?

Yes, volunteers may receive benefits such as complimentary game day tickets, official Dragons volunteer apparel, and access to exclusive events.

  1. How do I communicate with club leadership or fellow volunteers?

The primary channel of communication will be through The Club GM (Shaun Bebbington) and/or Mikey Rowe. You will also have access to contact information for club leadership and fellow volunteers.

  1. What should I do if I encounter issues or have concerns during my volunteer work?

You can use the designated reporting channels outlined in the handbook to address any issues or concerns.

  1. Is there a code of conduct for volunteers?

Yes, we have a code of conduct that all volunteers are expected to adhere to. It includes guidelines for ethical behaviour, sportsmanship, and respectful communication.

  1. How can I stay informed about club developments and updates?

Attend club meetings and read club updates to stay informed about the latest developments.